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Showing posts from October, 2013

Why Hasn't Jesus Christ Returned Yet?

I am sure many of God's professed people are wondering why Christ Jesus hasn't returned yet. This world has been in turmoil for some time now, and it is just getting worse and worse. What is God waiting for? What is He waiting for His people to do? There are many different types of Christians in the world today. But unfortunately, not enough who   do   the express will of God. There are those who focus on the 'grace' of Christ Jesus, thinking that they can continue to live a life of worldliness and sin, and forget about keeping the law of God. There are those who focus on the law of God, so much so that they forget about the grace of Christ and think that their works will save them. Then there are those who truly accept the grace of Christ, AND strive to keep the ten commandments not to be saved, but because they love God. This is commendable,   BUT   this has become the   only   focus of many of God's people today. They have become very insular and ...