Hill song – Mighty To Save
Paul war ned the Corinthians who were flirting with idolatry that they were in danger of being disqualified from the prize. Wordly believers who got out of spiritual condition could fall from grace and be lost to Christ and his church. In the passage under consideration the apostle underscores his warning by referring to the experience of the Israelites in the wilderness. Very few of them entered the Promised Land! The privileges of God's people. Paul illustrates the blessings of being a Christians by using the Israelites who escaped from slavery in Egypt as an example. The chosen people: (1) Were all under the cloud. v1. By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way. Ex13v21. God was present with the Israelites in the cloud and God the Holy Spirit is with Christians providing help along the narrow road that leads to life. (2) All passed through the sea. v1. That day the Lord saved Israel from the hands of...
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