The law of God: Is it still applicable or relevant today? 1 John 5:3 Let’s look at God as the Architect. Now if as an architect you draw a plan n design your model, firstly you take a piece of land where there are trees, grass and stones all over and you clear the place. Now you build according to your specifications. So this universe is a system n as such it’s governed by certain laws brought by the creator. For example the force of gravity. Now when you disobey the law of gravity of will come out on the receiving end for example death. But when we see someone on the edge we plead with them because they not an exception to the rule. Now the bible in Colossians 1:16 all things were created by him n for him n in him all things hold together. We are desperately trying to secure our place in God’s new earth We know that we have defects in our lives in the process of trying to correct ourselves is it possible we could be doing things the wrong way? Is it possi...