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How to become holy and pure in the eyes of God

I believe we have all seen pictures of starving children from some poverty-stricken areas of the world. It’s sad that people are starving when there is plenty of food in the world to feed them. But I wonder, if God could take a snapshot of your spiritual condition, would you look like those children--spiritually starved for the food for your soul that is in His Word? If so, it is especially sad, because in our church we all own Bibles. Usually what is lacking with a person who is spiritually malnourished is the motivation to feed himself or else some basic principles on how to do it. I hope to motivate you to feed yourself from God’s Word and give a few basic principles to get you going. A man needs to have principles firmly established in Jesus Christ our lord and saviour.

As it is written in Jeremiah 6:16 the lord’s ways are the old ways.

Going back to the old ways doesn't mean giving up electricity, homes and cars. It means living by the same principles, laws and values that our pilgrims lived by. This will allow us to live successfully in today's world. The spirituality of man like father Abraham and King David lived is the same spirituality we need in these modern times. There are too many influences from TV, radio, newspapers, magazines and negative role models that are guiding our lives in a bad way. Our stability is in the laws, principles and values given in scripture.
 Principles centred on scripture will help a man find and stay on the narrow right path, because Times change but principles don't

Psalm 119:9 A question is asked: how can a young man can keep his way pure? = Answer is in the 2nd part “…by living according to your word.” The Bible answers every question that is vitally important to us in this life and the life to come. Some people think the Bible is not relevant to us: for David or for Paul it was ideal in its teaching and application, and even for the Lord Jesus (the Old Testament was His Bible), but they think it is not relevant to our day. Such ideas are entirely wrong since it is the only book that speaks with authority about the great needs of time and eternity; it is the only guide to holiness, to a life that is pure, dedicated and pleasing to God. The Psalmist, who was deeply concerned about personal purity, was really saying, ‘What is the secret of personal, practical holiness?’

1. In Psalm 51:10 we read of a clean heart. But how can we have a clean heart?
2. In Isaiah 52:11 we learn of the importance of being clean before God can use us. But how can we be clean?
3. In Jeremiah 17:9 we read of the deceitfulness and desperate wickedness of our hearts. But how can our hearts be cleansed and changed?
4. In Matthew 5:8 we read about the pure in heart. But how can we gain this purity?
5. In Romans 7:18-24 we have a description of a struggle that we all experience. But how can we gain the victory?
6. In 2 Corinthians 7:1 we read of the importance of entire cleansing. How can this be?
7. In 1 Timothy 5:22 we read of the importance of personal purity. But how?

This is the great question: How can I be clean? Carefully consider this:-

“How can a young man keep his way pure?” Notice three things:-
1. It is a plain question. There is nothing ambiguous or difficult about it; it means exactly what it says. Here is a young man, with a sinful heart, an offensive life, impure thoughts, dirty habits, foul conversation, his reading matter is vile, his relationships are immoral - how can this young man become clean? That is a plain question - look up Mark 1:40-41. Whether we are young or old, we know that the question touches our deepest need.
2. It is a priority question. This is the chief question we need to ask. There are other important questions, especially for young men and women, such as: How can I reform my ways? - But notice the question here is: How can I keep my way pure? This is not to do with education, a career, success, marriage, security, but it does have to do with the life and heart being pure. By nature we’re sinful and we’re surrounded by evil forces. Our eyes, lips, feet, hands and ears - they all want to sin. How can I be clean?
3. It is a practical question. It calls for action because it is not just a theoretical question. Psalm 119:9 is not simply beautiful poetry but the inspired testimony of a man who knew his deep need of cleansing and who also knew how that need could be met.
This great question contains: (1) an admission of need; (2) a confession of desire; (3) a suggestion of urgency.
How can my heart and life be kept pure?  – “by living according to your word.” Examine this sentence carefully and you will see there are three things to do:-
1. Stop in your tracks and give careful thought to your ways (Haggai 1:7).
2. Take yourself in hand. It is easy just to drift and to get more and more enmeshed in all the sordidness of sin. Do you read impure literature? Do you indulge in unclean habits? Do you foster unclean thoughts?
3. Apply the remedy. This simply means, take the Bible and apply it to every part of your life and conduct. That is the way to be cleaned up spiritually and morally.
But what does this mean? Psalm 119:9-16 gives us the answer. Verse 9 contains our key-verse - but the remaining verses will help us too:-
Before long you will come to Calvary, recognise why the Lord Jesus died and shed His precious blood; you will discover how to be cleansed from the guilt and penalty of your sin (1 John 1:7). But you need to know that daily cleansing through His Word, when you humbly and in repentance confess to Him

We have a perfect role model to emulate our lives after 1 John 3:3 says And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.
The principles you live by create the world you live in; if you change the principles you live by, you will change your world
My question is, Are you a person of the Word? Is it your passion? If not, you’re spiritually malnourished. Ask God to revive you through His Word. If you can’t find the time, I have one final suggestion: Turn off your TV set! Amen!


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