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Fear and Faith Cannot Coexist - What the Bible Says About Insecurities

Faith the Antidote of Fear
Mark 4:40

Influences that shape our lives are like icebergs 10% visible, 90% invisible
Faith is believing that what you cannot see will come to pass. On the other hand fear is also believing that what you cannot see will come to pass. The only difference is Faith attracts the positive whilst fear attracts the negative.
The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, Nameless unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyses Need efforts to convert retreat into advance. – Martin Luther
1. There is a fear that is commanded
a. This kind of fear involves respect, honor, reverence, and a sense of awe.
b. Thus, we are to fear God.
1) Matthew 10:28
2) Ecclesiastes 12:13-14
3) A man who fears God has nothing else to fear
c. This kind of fear leads to:
1) Holiness … 2 Corinthians 7:1
2) Working out our own salvation … Philippians 2:12
3) Evangelism … 2 Corinthians 5:11
2. However There is a fear that is forbidden
a. This is the fear synonymous with dread, alarm, fright, terror, apprehension, anxiety, panic attacks, perplexity and distrust.
b. This type of fear is not to be confused with caution
1) For example, fear of being run over will cause one to look both ways before crossing the street.
2) Also, fear of catching a cold will cause one to wear a jacket
3) These types of fears are normal and good.

c. The forbidden kind of fear is a characteristic of the wicked (Proverbs 28:1,job 28,psm 127 / Isaiah33:14)

1. Fear of failure
a. Fear of failure caused the one talent man to do nothing (Matthew 25:25)
b. Our Lord has promised us inevitable and assured success in the things that are really important … 1 Corinthians 15:58
c. It is our duty to do the best we can and leave the results in the hands of God.

2. People fear responsibility
b. Because of fear Israel shirked their responsibility in conquering the land (Dt. 1:26-46)
c. Fear will keep us from our responsibility of being fishers of men … Luke 5:10

4. Men fear insecurity
a. greed is cause by the fear of not having enough
b. Jesus went to great lengths teaching man that he should not have such fears (Matthew 6:24-34)God or money, seek heaven
c. God has always provided for his own, and will continue to do so.

6. Men fear what other men will say and think about them, or do to them.
a. Luke 12:4 do not fear those who can only kill body
b. This type of fear often causes one to do wrong
c. Fear often keep one from taking a stand for truth
1) Because of this fear Peter denied the Lord (Matthew 26:69-75)

7. Fear of death
I once read a quote which said if you live each day your life like it was the last on of these days you will be right.
a. Many are slaves to fear of death (Hebrews 2:15) 1 Corin 15:54
b. The fear of death can be removed when men realize:
1) That it is inevitable … Hebrews 9:27
2) That it is the gateway to bliss and association with Jesus……. Philippians 1:21-23
3) That Jesus will be there to take us by the hand … Psalm 23:5

1. Fear makes life a wretched experience and warps the personality
a. This is seen in the life of Saul (1 Samuel 28)

2. Fear will prevent one from doing the will of God
a. Men make excuses … as in the case of Moses (Exodus 4)

3. Fear renders one useless
a. There is no place in the kingdom of God for the fearful, because we are in a battle against Satan, and we need people of courage.

4. Fear brings on the very thing we fear
a. Peter’s fear of sinking brought on his sinking
b. Jobs 3:25
c. Research has shown that 85% of the emotional and physical ills of are brought on by fear

5. Fear will cause a person to be lost … Revelation 21:8

D. Faith The antidote of Fear
1. Have faith in God Hebrews 10:38-39 a good e.g is Ester
a. Study the word Romans 10:17 so then f cometh by hearin n he by the word of God
3. Put your faith and trust in God
a. Faith is the foe of fear
b. It is either faith of fear … Isaiah 26:3
5. Never lose sight of the fact that you are in the presence of God and that His help is nigh

6. Whenever we start fearing anything let us remember Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


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